28 December 2016

خرائط التدفق

خرائط التدفق

النوع الاول
بيكون دايما فيه عمليه حسابيه (عمليه ادخال - عمليه معالجه او عمليه حسابيه - عمليه اخراج)

النوع الثاني
تفرع من اتخاذ قرار وبيكون دايما بإجابه واحده او بإجابتين
مثال... طباعه ناجح او راسب

النوع الثالث
بنخرج من اتخاذ قرار ندخل تاني ع اتخاذ قرار ... وبيكون له 3 اجابات
مثال.... المقارنه بين عددين وطباعه الاكبر واذا كان العددان متساويان نطبع العددان متساويان او درجات الحراره (فوق الصفر - تحت الصفر - تساوي صفر)

النوع الرابع
حلقه تكراريه بسيطه
مثال.... طباعه الاعداد الصحيحه او الفرديه او الزوجيه او جدول الضرب

النوع الخامس
حلقه تكراريه
مثال.... طباعه مجموع الاعداد الصحيحه او الزوجيه او الفرديه

الاسئله المقاليه - الصف الثالث الاعدادي

16 December 2016

InPixio Photo eRaser v7.1.6135

InPixio Photo eRaser - Remove unwanted elements like magic! Tired of taking pictures with all those unwanted background images? Have you ever wanted to just get rid of that sign behind your or those people walking by? Well now you can erase anything in your picture that you don't want there with Photo Eraser. All you need to do is decide which image you want to erase, select it and click! If there are any slight marks left behind, use the clone tool to blend the colours back in for smooth, seamless appearance. No one will ever know you erased anything and you will have that perfect picture you were trying to capture in the first place.
So often we spend too much time trying to get that ultimate family photo. Or, we want to take the most spectacular pictures from our trip to show our friends. It seems almost impossible to get exactly what we want out of our pictures and we end up having to just settle for what we take. With Photo Eraser there is no need to worry anymore about background images ruining our photos and waiting and waiting for people to pass so we can get only our family in the picture and not a bunch of strangers. You can now easily erase things like people, signs, wires, shadows, and numbers or dates.
Features of InPixio Photo eRaser
•    Removes people, logos, signs, numbers, street lights, shade, etc.
•    Remove the entire background.
•    clone tool to fix any slight colouration from removing pictures, and can also be used to touch up any skin blemishes
•    Remove logos, texts, and watermarks
•    Simple and easy to use.
•    Includes clone tool to remove any blemishes
•    Remove objects with just 1-click.
•    Built-in tutorials and sample images to get started right away.

Download InPixio Photo eRaser 7.1.6135 (17 MB) :
Userscloud.work | Dailyuploads.net | Userscloud.com

15 December 2016

Internet Download Manager IDM 6.27 build 1

Internet Download Manager IDM 6.27 has got a very simple interface with some important features which are rested in the upper portion and are represented by customizable icons. The central portion of the interface has been dedicated to the files which are being processed. Internet Download Manager IDM 6.27 will integrate automatically to all the famous web browsers of the world like Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Google Chrome etc. One of the worth-mentioning features of Internet Download Manager IDM 6.27 is that you can schedule the downloading process and can set the date or time for any downloading to be processed. Whenever you will download a file you will be asked to set the destination folder for the downloaded file and you can easily modify it later at any stage. On a conclusive note we can say that Internet Download Manager IDM 6.27 is an awesome application which can boost the downloading speed by pushing your Internet connection to its limit.

Features of Internet Download Manager IDM 6.27
Below are some noticeable features which you'll experience after Internet Download Manager IDM 6.27 free download.
•    Lets you organize and synchronize your downloading process.
•    Lets you download different files from the Internet at lightening speed.
•    Got simple and intuitive interface.
•    Integrates automatically with different web browsers.
•    Can schedule the downloading process easily.
•    Can set the destination folder of your downloaded files.


Avant Browser 2016 build 17

Avant Browser is a standalone application designed to expand features provided by Internet Explorer. It adds a bunch of features and functionalities to IE and its user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability.
Avant Browser is freeware. That's right. 100% Free! No cost to you ever. No limitations. No Adware. No Spyware. You can donate if you want, but it's certainly not required.
Avant's features include:
  • Online Profile Storage
  • Autofills
  • Mouse Gestures
  • Flash Animation Filter
  • Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker
  • Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader.
  • Additional Mouse Functions
  • Multi-Window Browsing
  • Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode
  • Built-in Search Engine
  • Full IE Compatibility
  • Control Your Privacy
  • Safe Recovery
  • Skins
  • Support for 41 languages


14 December 2016

uTorrent Pro 3.4.9 Pro Build 43085 Stable Incl Crack + Pro Pack

uTorrent Pro 3.4.9 Pro Build 43085 Stable Incl Crack + Pro Pack Multilingual

Sharing files over the Internet using torrents is quite popular and there are a few dedicated applications that can facilitate the file transfer. Such a BitTorrent client is uTorrent, a well-known program that ranks high among its peers.

Ad-supported installation and straightforward GUI
This tool comes with loads of useful features and is very easy to use. Even if the installation does not last very long, you should pay close attention to the third-party software included as it may change the settings of your web browser.

uTorrent will greet you with a very nice and simple interface, designed to provide you quick access to its main functions. Thus, you’ll be able to start new downloads, pause, stop or delete the existing ones, or manage the files you’ve already downloaded straight from the main window.

Subscribe to RSS feeds, adjust speed limits, and look for items from the main window
The application enables you to quickly find new content to download using a powerful built-in search function. The RSS capability is another great feature of uTorrent as it allows the user to subscribe to selected feeds for auto-downloading files.

uTorrent also comes with a configurable bandwidth scheduler, speed limiters and multi-language support to make sure you will be able to use it in every corner of the world.

Run downloads when the PC is idle
But perhaps the most impressive thing about uTorrent is the way it manages to handle downloads without slowing down Windows. We found that out during our tests where it performed flawlessly and the stress on system resources was minimal.

And if that doesn’t convince you to give uTorrent a chance, you should note that it is also able to download the selected content only when you’re away from the computer. It does that thanks to a special function for pausing the torrents when user activity is detected.

All things considered, it is safe to say that uTorrent remains a heavyweight player in its category, having millions of users worldwide to emphasize that. With a complete feature pack, great ease of use and seamless integration with any system, this software is definitely a keeper for anyone who uses torrents to share files.

• Multiple simultaneous downloads
• Configurable bandwidth scheduler
• Global and per-torrent speed limiting
• Quick-resumes interrupted transfers
• RSS Downloader
• Password-protected boss key
• Global run-command feature on torrent completion/state change
• UDP proxying for SOCKS5
• Proxy privacy features
• Improved set download location/relocate feature (now moves files for you)
• Show add torrent dialog for magnet links
• Add option to pause torrents when user activity is detected on the computer

The KMPlayer Multilingual Portable

Multimedia Player without installation.
Download Portable KMPlayer Online (0.6 MB) 01/11/16
In first screen enter version number:
Extract and run KMPlayerPortable.
If you drag'n drop a file on (or open with) KMPlayerPortable: it will be opened in KMPlayer.
Language set by launcher according Windows localization: Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, PortugueseBR, Bulgarian, TradChinese, SimpChinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian.
If you don't want, write SystemLang=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Capture in portable folder. If you don't want, write PortableCapture=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Settings of installed KMPlayer should be preserved.

10 December 2016

خليل مطران - بدر وبدر

⺄بدر وبدر⺁
حسناء لكن نفور      باد عليها الفتور
اذا رنت غار منها      ف الحي عين حور
وان تمس فإليها     مني النفوس تطير
لا تكسر الجفن     الا وقلب صب كسير
ولا تبسم الا     وجفن باك يمور
ولا تلفت الا     وجيره الحي صور
يا قره لعيوني ف     الصدر منا سعير
كم جئتكم مستزيرا     وطيفكم لا يزور
ان كان صبري      قليلا فإن وجدي كثيرا
ليس المحب صدوقا     ف الحب وهو صبور
يا بدر سميت بدرا     واين منك البدور؟
اين الجماد منيرا من     زي من زي حياه ينير؟
اين الصحابه فيه     واين منه الشعور؟
اين السني وهو شيب     من الصبي وهو نور؟
لم انس حين التقينا     والروض زاه نضير
اذ العيون نيام      والليل راء حسير
وفي الهواء حنين     من الهوي وزفير
وللمياه انين      تذوب منه الصخور
وللنسيم حديث      ع المروج يدور
وللازاهر فكر     يرويه عنها العبر
تدنو إليه فتلقي     تحيه وتسير
لهفي عليه زمانا      ولي فولي السرور
مضي قصيرا ولكن     للسعد عهد قصير
つخليل مطرانて

Driver Pack Solution

DriverPack Solution is the most popular program that makes the job of finding and automatically installing drivers a pleasure. DriverPack Solution simplifies the process of reinstalling Windows on any computer. No more problems with searching and installing drivers. Everything will be done in a couple of mouse clicks.
DriverPack Solution is designed to be used by anyone from home users to system administrators, offering you an easy, quick and efficient way of installing the correct drivers for the devices attached to your computer and then keeping them up to date. When you start using the software, the driver installation process will be fully automated, and since it already contains a comprehensive database of drivers, you don't even need to be connected to the Internet at the time.

Features of DriverPack Solution:

- The program installs all required drivers to any computer in just about 5 minutes.
- All drivers on a single program. Simplifies downloading new drivers from the Internet.
- Updates previously installed drivers to their latest versions.
- Simple and foolproof interface.
DriverPack Solution Full - a full version of the most powerful manager for automated driver installation. Scans your computer hardware and offer to install/update the driver for all devices in Offline mode.
DriverPack Solution Lite - a lite version of the most powerful manager for automated driver installation. Scans your computer hardware and offers a download from the Internet unidentified driver.  Lite version does not include database drivers, software and diagnostic tools. For permanent use it is recommended to download the full version.


04 December 2016

GetDataBack Simple 3.10 En

Extract and run GetDataBackSimplePortable.
Settings of installed GetDataBack should be preserved.

Total Commander 9.0a rc1 & 9.0 32-64 bit Multilingual

File manager for Windows without installation.
Download Portable TotalCommander Multiversion 32-64 bit Online (0.7 MB) 01/12/16
In first screen enter: tc90ax32_64_rc1
Download Portable TotalCommander 9.0 32-64 bit Online (0.7 MB) 23/11/16
Extract and run TotalCommanderPortable.
Included: 7zip & DiskDir PackerPlugins.
Your wincmd.key will be used if found in Data\TotalCommander.
Language set by launcher according UserDefaultLang (if you don't want: write UserDefaultLang=false in TotalCommanderPortable.ini): English, SimpChinese, Czech, Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish.
Settings of installed TotalCommander should be preserved.

If you need to run several instances change AllowMultipleInstances from false to true in TotalCommanderPortable.ini.
If you have Notepad++Portable or UltraEditPortable in the same foder as TotalCommanderPortable you can choose one of them as default editor (F4) by changing one (not two) false to true in TotalCommanderPortable.ini.

TeamViewer 12.0.71503 Multilingual

Free Remote Control, Remote Access & Online Meetings without installation.
Download Portable TeamViewer Multilingual Online (0.7 MB) 01/12/16
Free license but nag of the end removed.
Portable TeamViewer QuickSupport Multilingual Online (0.6 MB) 11/03/16
Extract and run TeamViewerPortable or TeamViewerQSPortable.
Connect to a remote computer on startup with:
AdditionalParameters= -i 123456789 --Password pwd in TeamViewerPortable.ini
Settings of installed TeamViewer should be preserved.

Google Chrome 55.0.2883.75 32-64 bit Multilingual

Google Internet browser without installation.
Download Portable Chrome 32-64 bit MultiVersion Online (0.5 MB) 04/12/15
Check Stable for latest 55.x.x.x
Check Dev for latest 56.x.x.x
For XP/Vista: Download Portable Chrome 49.0.2623.112 32 bit Online (0.5 MB)

SRWare Iron 54.0.2850.0 is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome but without the critical points that the privacy concern.
Download Portable SRWare Iron 32-64 bit Multiversion Online (0.4 MB) 24/12/15
ChromePass Chrome Browser Password Recovery.
Download Portable ChromePass latest Online (0.5 MB) 20/11/13
To see Passwords stored in Chromium or Iron Portable, write Browser=Chromium or Browser=Iron in ChromePassPortable.ini
ChromeHistoryView Chrome Browser History Viewer.
Download Portable ChromeHistoryView latest Online (0.5 MB) 07/12/14
To see History stored in Chromium or Iron Portable, write Browser=Chromium or Browser=Iron in ChromeHistoryViewPortable.ini
Extract and run ChromePortable or ChromiumPortable or IronPortable.
If you want to add parameters, start in incognito mode, not set cache in temp, not delete cache or allow multiple instances: edit *Portable.ini.
Example: AdditionalParameters=--app=http://portableappz.blogspot.com
Settings of installed Chrome, Chromium or Iron should be preserved.

Tag&Rename 3.9.10 Multilingual

Music files tag editor without installation.
Download Portable TagRename Online (0.3 MB) 09/03/16
In first screen enter: 3910
Extract and run TagRenamePortable.
Settings of installed TagRename should be preserved.

Syncovery (Super Flexible File Synchronizer) 32-64 bit 7.67 En-Fr-De

Extract and run SyncoveryPortable.
Edit SyncoveryPortable.ini to add parameters.
Settings of installed Syncovery should be preserved.